2020; The “INFECTED” Year That Halted Almost Everything

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Origin And How It Has Changed The World Today.

Mwenda Kelvin (Chief Editor)

12/2/20202 min read

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Everything was running well during the month of December when a previously unidentified virus emerged from Wuhan, China and resulted in a very alarming outbreak around China while spreading out internationally to other countries in the various continents. In February 2020, the World Health Organization officially named it Coronavirus (COVID-19). Various sources indicate that the virus possibly leaked from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) through a contaminated lab animal, a technological non-achievement or an unexpectedly infected individual which up to date is an intact natural virus strain which has seen a lot of people not surviving it. Early in the year 2020 after the virus hit various countries and cities greatly, the world came to a lock-down with schools closing, a lot of jobs coming to a halt and international travel was immediately prohibited with intense regulations.

"Sorry we're closed due to covid-19"
"Sorry we're closed due to covid-19"

Source: financebuzz

Usually the busy streets in the various cities, were all quiet and empty as people stayed back at home while also observing curfew hours. The most important events that needed meetings like the United Nations annual meeting looked very different from the others because only a fraction of delegates were allowed into the assembly while maintaining social distance as the world leaders gave their speeches virtually.

Delegates in the UN General Assembly hall
Delegates in the UN General Assembly hall

Delegates in the UN General Assembly hall observe social distancing as meetings get underway during the busiest week of the year at the United Nations (Source: UN)

Same to schools also, classes had to be attended virtually with their devices which until now is being done in order to avoid big gatherings in the various learning institutions in order to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Original screenshot image of a virtual class I was attending
Original screenshot image of a virtual class I was attending

Screenshot image of a virtual class I was attending

Going into 2021 onward, the virus is still spreading while more infections and deaths are being reported day in day out. Also more vaccines are being tested and released worldwide in order to stop the virus spreading. This has made people globally to adapt a new lifestyle while preparing for the worst but hoping for the best in the near future.